Category: Speeches
Budget Statement for the Financial Year 2016
Tobago Hotel & Tourism Association, the Bankers’ Association of Trinidad and Tobago, representatives of the Labour Movement, participants in the second THA Budget Survey and the first Survey of Productivity in Tobago. Your numerous suggestions have helped us to identify some of the budgetary priorities and to shape the eventual outcomes reflected in the Estimates for 2016. I also wish to thank my dear wife for her special support at all times. Above all, I thank Almighty God for his guidance and the tremendous generosity of all who have worked with me as a team to help craft today’s submission.
39th Annual Conference on Cuba
Good afternoon to you all!
On behalf of the Tobago House of Assembly, I would like to express my distinct pleasure to be here at this the 39th Annual Conference on Cuba, the Caribbean and Central America as it focuses on A New Era in Regional Integration.